Thursday, October 22, 2009

Late Nights

So what does a student generally do staying up late at night? Well... I know that I would either be crying my eyes out hoping that my assignments would get themselves completed, RAGE typing hoping that my word count is not under ==" or just sitting around passing time by... since as we all know, most students are night owls ^^"

On other news.... tonight as per usual I spend a late night on the net surfing random sites or checking out my facebook account in hopes of some form of slight entertainment. As of which is usually fulfilled for a short amount of time due to my simple minded-ness in enjoying even the most basic of tasks. Following this would probably be an even later night spent doing some leisure reading or playing some untried game on my DS.

So as I am currently sitting here writing down about the random and vague topic of late nights... I am also staring out into space thinking that I should be doing my assignments or getting some sleep, which I will probably do later since as per typical of a student... procrastination is the key to anything and everything =D What does it really matter if we all fail in life? To some it's the end of the world... meh. My ideal for my life right now is to 1) have my lecturer get into an accident so that he is unable to teach and mark assignments for the remainder of the term 2) get a job so that I am not dependant on my parents for the petty cash they hand out to me called "pocket money" and... 3) to get into uni so that my parents don't kick me outta the house. Yes... the simple things in life are not to be taken for granted. Otherwise I would have probably gotten my arse kicked out of the house and disowned a long time ago if I did ==". Some parents just don't care what their kids do. My parents?... they're asian. That says enough.

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